| KvK nummer | Bedrijfsnaam | Adres | Postcode | Stad | Land | Coördinaten | Telefoonnummer | E-mailadres | Website | Medewerkers (#) | Oprichtingsjaar | Organisatietype | LinkedIn | Facebook | X (Twitter) | Instagram | YouTube | Pinterest | SBI codes | Bedrijfsactiviteiten | Apps |
| 75875*** | Verhuisservice24 B*** | Westvlietweg 6*** | 249*** | 's-Gravenhage | NL | 52.0***,4.3*** | +31 85 002 2*** | i***@verhuisservic***.nl | https://verhuisservic***.nl | 1 | 2019 | Besloten Vennootschap | https://www.linkedin.com/company/verhuisservice*** | https://www.facebook.com/Verhuisservic*** | https://twitter.com/them*** | https://www.instagram.com/verhuisservice24.*** | - | - | 4942, 78202, 494, 49, 7820, 782, 78 | Verhuisvervoer, Uitleenbureaus, Goederenvervoer over de weg, Vervoer over land, Uitzendbureaus, uitleenbureaus en banenpools, Arbeidsbemiddeling, uitzendbureaus en personeelsbeheer | animate.css, google font api, wordpress, php, mysql, jquery, facebook, lightbox, swiper slider, apache, unix, google analytics, facebook ogp, twitter cards, recaptcha, core js, microsoft 365, cloudflare, wordpress plugins, formidable pro form, otter blocks, crux dataset, crux top 50m, whatsapp me, dutch, woocommerce, woocommerce add to cart, neve, viewport meta, iphone mobile compatible, google maps api, google maps, youtube, jquery blockui, jquery ui, belazy.js, swiper, intersection observer, chosen, dropzone, underscore.js, plans and pricing, spf, microsoft exchange online, office 365 mail, ssl by default, cloudflare hosting, kinsta, u.s. server location, dnssec, really simple discovery, rss, live writer support, cloudflare cdn, outlook, euro, https, utf 8, google, twemoji, flexslider, formidable, google api, meta robot, doubleclick, canonical tag, html5 doctype, html5 svg tag, meta viewport, google web fonts, pingback support, apple mobile tags, cart functionality, united states dollar, google marketing platform |
| 01176*** | Buma Verhuizin*** | Pallasweg 2*** | 893*** | Leeuwarden | NL | 53.1***,5.8*** | +31 58 751 8*** | i***@bumaverhuizin***.nl | https://www.bumaverhuizin***.nl | 4 | 2010 | Eenmanszaak | https://www.linkedin.com/company/buma-verhuizingen-&-opslag-kvk-011762*** | https://www.facebook.com/bumaverhuizingen.verhuiz*** | https://twitter.com/verhuizin*** | - | - | - | 4942, 46696, 52109, 53201, 494, 49, 4669, 466, 46, 5210, 521, 52, 5320, 532, 53 | Verhuisvervoer, Groothandel in emballage, Opslag in distributiecentra en overige opslag (niet in tanks, koelhuizen e.d.), Post zonder universele dienstverplichting, Goederenvervoer over de weg, Vervoer over land, Groothandel in overige machines, apparaten en toebehoren voor industrie en handel, Groothandel in machines, apparaten en toebehoren voor industrie en handel, Groothandel en handelsbemiddeling (niet in auto's en motorfietsen), Opslag, Opslag en dienstverlening voor vervoer, Post zonder universele dienstverplichting en koeriers, Post en koeriers | facebook, php, apache, varnish, google analytics, facebook ogp, apache http server, sectigo, ubuntu, global site tag, cookie info script, dutch, iphone mobile compatible, viewport meta, euro, facebook sdk, facebook for websites, one.com dns, letsencrypt, danish server location, ipv6, google tag manager, google fonts, cookieinfoscript, jquery, jquery ui, https, utf 8, google, google api, meta robot, favicon tag, google maps, html5 doctype, meta keywords, meta viewport, meta http equiv, facebook connect, google web fonts, meta description, apple mobile tags, one communications, open graph protocol, opengraph url entity, opengraph type entity, opengraph image entity, opengraph locale entity, google marketing platform, facebook sign in, fancybox |
| 71489*** | Eazyl*** | Ko Suurhofflaa*** | 311*** | Schiedam | NL | 51.9***,4.3*** | +31 6 40015*** | i***@eazyl***.nl | https://www.eazyl***.nl | 3 | 2018 | Eenmanszaak | - | https://www.facebook.com/Eazylift.nl.verhuisl*** | - | https://www.instagram.com/eazylift.*** | - | - | 4942, 494, 49 | Verhuisvervoer, Goederenvervoer over de weg, Vervoer over land | google font api, yoast seo, wordpress, php, mysql, google tag manager, youtube, jquery, modernizr, apache, facebook ogp, twitter cards, google plus, pinterest, google gmail, google analytics, global site tag, wpbakery, gtranslate for wordpress, sitelinks search box, wordpress plugins, cookieyes for wordpress, contact form, yoast plugins, font awesome, akismet, akismet non hosted, crux dataset, crux top 10m, crux top 50m, dutch, organization schema, viewport meta, iphone mobile compatible, cdn js, jquery cdn, cloudflare js, euro, mediaelement.js, google search appliance, html5shiv, flexslider, doubleclick.net, facebook, instagram, google apps for business, spf, dmarc, ssl by default, letsencrypt, bit bv, dutch server location, transip dns, dnssec, imunify360, rss, gimple, google, cloudflare cdn, fontawesome cdn, google fonts, google doubleclick ads, other google apis sdks, https, utf 8, g suite, xl host, faq page, cloudflare, google api, meta robot, doubleclick, google maps, canonical tag, gravity forms, html5 doctype, html5 svg tag, meta viewport, cookie consent, instagram links, meta http equiv, x ua compatible, google translate, google web fonts, meta description, apple mobile tags, gdpr cookie consent, open graph protocol, opengraph url entity, united states dollar, opengraph type entity, opengraph image entity, opengraph locale entity, google marketing platform, mediaelement js, cookieyes, google workspace, contact form 7, redirection, yoast, gravityforms, wp site health, wp block editor |
| 56937*** | De Kievit Verhuizin*** | Maasschriksel *** | 591*** | Venlo | NL | 51.3***,6.1*** | +31 77 323 2*** | i***@de-kie***.nl | https://www.de-kie***.nl | 6 | 2013 | Vennootschap Onder Firma | https://www.linkedin.com/company/de-kievit-verhuizin*** | https://www.facebook.com/dekievitverhuizing*** | https://twitter.com/dekievitve*** | - | - | - | 4942, 494, 49 | Verhuisvervoer, Goederenvervoer over de weg, Vervoer over land | typo3 cms, php, jquery, apache, facebook ogp, twitter cards, google analytics, microsoft outlook, google tag manager, google font api, open graph, leadinfo, facebook domain insights, onlineafspraken, typekit, typekit async, crux dataset, crux top 10m, dutch, viewport meta, iphone mobile compatible, euro, typo3, gsap, backbone.js, cryptojs, moment js, facebook, linkedin, twitter, mandrill, microsoft exchange online, spf, microsoft azure dns, office 365 mail, hetzner, german server location, transip dns, dnssec, letsencrypt, ssl by default, content delivery network, outlook, mandrillapp, adobe typekit, move4u, klantenvertellen, google fonts, bootstrap, https, utf 8, google, jsdelivr, backbonejs, favicon tag, canonical tag, html5 doctype, html5 svg tag, meta keywords, meta viewport, general captcha, x ua compatible, meta description, apple mobile tags, open graph protocol, opengraph url entity, united states dollar, meta format detection, opengraph image entity, opengraph locale entity, google marketing platform, microsoft 365, mailchimp |
| 69031*** | Magic Mov*** | Bennebroekerdijk 21*** | 214*** | Cruquius | NL | 52.3***,4.6*** | +31 23 576 6*** | i***@magicmov***.nl | http://www.magicmov***.nl | 38 | 2017 | Eenmanszaak | https://www.linkedin.com/company/magic-movers-*** | https://www.facebook.com/magicmovers.*** | - | https://www.instagram.com/magicmovers_*** | - | - | 4942, 52109, 4941, 9604, 9609, 494, 49, 5210, 521, 52, 960, 96 | Verhuisvervoer, Opslag in distributiecentra en overige opslag (niet in tanks, koelhuizen e.d.), Goederenvervoer over de weg (geen verhuizingen), Sauna's, solaria, baden e.d., Overige dienstverlening n.e.g., Goederenvervoer over de weg, Vervoer over land, Opslag, Opslag en dienstverlening voor vervoer, Wellness en overige dienstverlening; uitvaartbranche | laravel, php, font awesome, google font api, jquery, google maps, facebook, google analytics, apache, google search console, facebook pixel, microsoft clarity, gtranslate.io, google translate widget, trustindex, crux dataset, crux top 10m, pusher, viewport meta, iphone mobile compatible, jsdelivr, cdn js, cloudflare js, unpkg, cloudfront, leaflet, euro, facebook for websites, facebook sdk, facebook custom audiences, instagram, ssl by default, letsencrypt, spf, ovh, ipv6, content delivery network, mailersend, keurigonline, google site verification, google fonts, fontawesome cdn, other google apis sdks, google tag manager, saysimple, google cdn, google doubleclick ads, smooch, jquery ui, isotope, wordpress, core js, wp rocket, https, utf 8, google, ads txt, masonry, cloudflare, google api, doubleclick, favicon tag, html5 doctype, html5 svg tag, meta keywords, meta viewport, google adsense, html5 embed tag, html5 video tag, instagram links, meta http equiv, facebook connect, google translate, google web fonts, meta description, cart functionality, facebook advertiser, google marketing platform, plyr, bootstrap, prism, livefyre |