| KvK nummer | Bedrijfsnaam | Adres | Postcode | Stad | Land | Coördinaten | Telefoonnummer | E-mailadres | Website | Medewerkers (#) | Oprichtingsjaar | Organisatietype | LinkedIn | Facebook | X (Twitter) | Instagram | YouTube | Pinterest | SBI codes | Bedrijfsactiviteiten | Apps |
| 84118*** | Gori*** | Admiraal Helfrichlaan*** | 695*** | Dieren | NL | 52.0***,6.0*** | +31 900 1*** | i***@gori***.co | https://www.gori***.co | 1 | 2021 | Eenmanszaak | https://www.linkedin.com/company/diergaarde-blijdo*** | https://www.facebook.com/diergaardeblijdorp.rotterdam*** | https://twitter.com/gorillad*** | https://www.instagram.com/diergaardeblijdo*** | https://www.youtube.com/user/diergaardeblijdorp | - | 4332, 3109, 31011, 433, 43, 310, 31, 3101 | Bouwtimmeren, Vervaardiging van overige meubels, Interieurbouw, Afwerking van gebouwen, Gespecialiseerde werkzaamheden in de bouw, Vervaardiging van meubels, Interieurbouw en vervaardiging van bedrijfsmeubels | hubspot, wordpress, php, mysql, jquery, linkedin, google analytics, facebook, nginx, varnish, amazon cloudfront, amazon web services, pantheon, mariadb, facebook ogp, twitter cards, amazon aws dns, google gmail, google, hubspotemail, stspg customer, teamleader, amazonses, apple, atlassian, google site verification, loom, notion, openai, slack, status page, website files, google tag manager, cloudflare cdn, cloudfront, webflow, unpkg, google doubleclick ads, cookiebot, linkedin ads, react, core js, amp, rss, https, slick, utf 8, amazon, g suite, twitter, docusign, workable, amazon ses, cloudflare, google api, favicon tag, hubspot ads, hubspot cos, canonical tag, html5 doctype, meta viewport, cookie consent, amazon route 53, atlassian cloud, html5 video tag, meta http equiv, x ua compatible, facebook connect, google web fonts, linkedin plugins, meta description, linkedin advertiser, open graph protocol, opengraph url entity, opengraph type entity, opengraph image entity, content security policy, facebook social plugins, google marketing platform, gsap, jsdelivr, google workspace |
| 24341*** | Paul & Paul Kozijnen - Zonwering B*** | Weg en Bos *** | 266*** | Bergschenhoek | NL | 51.9***,4.5*** | +31 10 524 9*** | i***@paulenp***.nl | https://www.paulenp***.nl | 19 | 2002 | Besloten Vennootschap | https://www.linkedin.com/company/paul-&-pa*** | https://www.facebook.com/paulenpaulkozijnenzonweri*** | https://twitter.com/paulenpaulr*** | https://www.instagram.com/paulenpaul_*** | - | https://www.pinterest.com/paul_en_pa*** | 4332, 433, 43 | Bouwtimmeren, Afwerking van gebouwen, Gespecialiseerde werkzaamheden in de bouw | google font api, google tag manager, prototype, google search console, jquery, google analytics, recaptcha, open graph, crux dataset, crux top 5m, dutch, aggregaterating schema, organization schema, viewport meta, iphone mobile compatible, youtube, facebook, linkedin, instagram, exclaimer, spf, microsoft azure dns, office 365 mail, microsoft exchange online, ssl by default, letsencrypt, hsts, trueserver, dutch server location, previder, apache, ipv6, ahrefs bot disallow, majestic bot disallow, google webmaster, outlook, routit, intermixmail, yoursite, codeflex, dewerkendewebsite, bsqd, klantenvertellen, react, core js, https, utf 8, google, sizzle, lightbox, google api, p3p policy, require js, doubleclick, favicon tag, google maps, canonical tag, html5 doctype, html5 svg tag, meta viewport, html5 video tag, instagram links, meta http equiv, x ua compatible, google web fonts, meta description, apple mobile tags, united states dollar, content security policy, google marketing platform, plausible |
| 02092*** | B*** | Eestumerweg*** | 979*** | Ten Post | NL | 53.3***,6.7*** | +31 50 520 1*** | i***@be***.nl | https://www.be***.nl | 4 | 2006 | Vennootschap Onder Firma | https://www.linkedin.com/company/bengs-deur*** | https://www.facebook.com/BenGSTenP*** | - | - | - | - | 4332, 46738, 47789, 47918, 4321, 8020, 433, 43, 4673, 467, 46, 4778, 477, 47, 4791, 479, 432, 802, 80 | Bouwtimmeren, Groothandel gespecialiseerd in overige bouwmaterialen, Winkels gespecialiseerd in overige artikelen n.e.g., Gespecialiseerde detailhandel via postorder en internet in overige non-food, Elektrotechnische bouwinstallatie, Beveiliging via beveiligingssystemen, Afwerking van gebouwen, Gespecialiseerde werkzaamheden in de bouw, Groothandel in hout, sanitair en overige bouwmaterialen, Overige gespecialiseerde groothandel, Groothandel en handelsbemiddeling (niet in auto's en motorfietsen), Winkels in overige artikelen n.e.g., Winkels in overige artikelen, Detailhandel (niet in auto's), Detailhandel via postorder en internet, Detailhandel niet via winkel of markt, Bouwinstallatie, Beveiliging en opsporing | yoast seo, wordpress, php, mysql, google font api, revslider, wp rocket, jquery, bootstrap, nginx, facebook ogp, google plus, pinterest, google analytics, open graph, hsts, microsoft 365, webpack, module federation, priority hints, rss, litespeed, jquery migrate, jquery ui, addtoany, sectigo, apple icloud mail, wpbakery, addtoany share buttons, sendinblue, global site tag, yoast plugins, font awesome, sitelinks search box, wordpress plugins, add to any, google tag manager, crux dataset, crux top 50m, dutch, organization schema, viewport meta, iphone mobile compatible, jsdelivr, bootstrapcdn, jplayer, facebook for websites, google api, linkedin platform api, twitter platform, intersection observer, facebook, linkedin, twitter, spf, microsoft exchange online, office 365 mail, dmarc, ssl by default, sectigo ssl, sectigo domain ssl, transip hosted, dutch server location, ipv6, quic, live writer support, really simple discovery, content delivery network, outlook, apple, google fonts, fontawesome cdn, https, utf 8, google, meta robot, favicon tag, google maps, woocommerce, canonical tag, html5 doctype, html5 svg tag, lockerz share, meta viewport, google web fonts, meta description, open graph protocol, litespeed web server, opengraph url entity, meta format detection, opengraph type entity, webpage schema entity, opengraph image entity, content security policy, opengraph locale entity, google marketing platform, ithemes security, oembed, yoast, wp smush, wp site health, wp block editor |
| 17198*** | Kozion B*** | Magazijnweg*** | 507*** | Udenhout | NL | 51.6***,5.1*** | +31 13 511 0*** | i***@koz***.nl | https://www.koz***.nl | 2 | 2006 | Besloten Vennootschap | https://www.linkedin.com/company/koz*** | https://www.facebook.com/koz*** | https://twitter.com/koz*** | https://www.instagram.com/kozi*** | - | - | 4332, 433, 43 | Bouwtimmeren, Afwerking van gebouwen, Gespecialiseerde werkzaamheden in de bouw | yoast seo, wordpress, php, mysql, google tag manager, youtube, jquery, recaptcha, plesk, nginx, google analytics, facebook ogp, twitter cards, google gmail, hsts, google workspace, google adwords conversion, global site tag, google conversion linker, themefusion, wp rocket, wordpress plugins, contact form, wp svg icons, yoast plugins, sitelinks search box, wp fastest cache, crux dataset, crux top 10m, crux top 5m, dutch, avada, organization schema, google maps, viewport meta, iphone mobile compatible, jquery masonry, jquery migrate, modernizr, html5shiv, fitvids.js, packery, imagesloaded, fizzy ui utils, lazysizes, es6 promise, intersection observer, doubleclick.net, google remarketing, facebook, instagram, linkedin, realtime register, dnssec, google apps for business, spf, microsoft azure dns, ssl by default, letsencrypt, cldin, dutch server location, parallels plesk panel, rss, really simple discovery, live writer support, google, google site verification, google doubleclick ads, usermaven, other google apis sdks, https, utf 8, vimeo, g suite, isotope, masonry, flexslider, google api, meta robot, doubleclick, canonical tag, html5 doctype, html5 svg tag, meta viewport, infinite scroll, instagram links, meta http equiv, x ua compatible, yourhosting dns, meta description, apple mobile tags, open graph protocol, opengraph url entity, google ads advertiser, opengraph type entity, doubleclick advertiser, opengraph image entity, facebook social plugins, opengraph locale entity, google marketing platform, oembed, contact form 7, redirection, yoast, yoursites, awb, publishpress future, wp site health, wp block editor |
| 24332*** | A.A. Kalkman montage-,timmer & onderhoudsbedr*** | Nassaulaa*** | 465*** | Steenbergen | NL | 51.5***,4.3*** | +31 71 751 9*** | supp***@natura***.nl | https://www.natura***.nl | 1 | 2002 | Eenmanszaak | https://www.linkedin.com/company/naturalisbiodiversitycent*** | https://facebook.com/museumnatura*** | https://twitter.com/museumnatura*** | https://www.instagram.com/naturalismuse*** | http://www.youtube.com/user/NaturalisLeiden | - | 4332, 433, 43 | Bouwtimmeren, Afwerking van gebouwen, Gespecialiseerde werkzaamheden in de bouw | google tag manager, google analytics, apache, drupal, php, varnish, facebook ogp, amazon aws dns, google gmail, jquery, open graph, amazon web services, google optimize, google analytics classic, global site tag, google conversion linker, apple whitelist, getty images, ckeditor, crux dataset, crux top 500k, crux top 1m, cloudflare radar, cloudflare radar top 500k, dutch, english href lang, dutch href lang, adobe enterprise cloud, asp.net, microsoft frontpage, ajax libraries api, amazon s3, vimeo cdn, viewport meta, iphone mobile compatible, mobile optimized, euro, vimeo, atlassian cloud, google api, modernizr, jquery ui, jquery easing, fancybox, google hosted libraries, google hosted jquery, moment js, picturefill, select2, almond, slick js, pikaday, intersection observer, es6 promise, core js, doubleclick.net, google floodlight counter, floc, floc opt out, events page, facebook, twitter, instagram, sendinblue, mailjet, topdesk, google apps for business, spf, dmarc, microsoft azure dns, apple icloud mail, ssl by default, sectigo ssl, sectigo domain ssl, letsencrypt, hsts, trueserver, surfnet, amazon, amazon ireland region, dutch server location, amazon route, dnssec, nginx, amazon s3 cdn, content delivery network, google, afas, adobe idp, apple, atlassian, google site verification, swis, moment, visa, https, slick, utf 8, g suite, maestro, faq page, recaptcha, canonical tag, html5 doctype, html5 svg tag, meta rel home, meta viewport, amazon route 53, instagram links, x ua compatible, american express, meta description, open graph protocol, multilingual support, adobe marketing cloud, opengraph image entity, google marketing platform, google workspace |