| KvK nummer | Bedrijfsnaam | Adres | Postcode | Stad | Land | Coördinaten | Telefoonnummer | E-mailadres | Website | Medewerkers (#) | Oprichtingsjaar | Organisatietype | LinkedIn | Facebook | X (Twitter) | Instagram | YouTube | Pinterest | SBI codes | Bedrijfsactiviteiten | Apps |
| 71465*** | Holzikstab*** | Allemansveldweg *** | 753*** | Enschede | NL | 52.1***,6.9*** | +31 53 430 5*** | i***@holzikstab***.nl | http://www.holzikstab***.nl | 5 | 1993 | Eenmanszaak | https://www.linkedin.com/company/holzik-stabl*** | https://www.facebook.com/Holzikstabl*** | https://twitter.com/holzikstabl*** | https://www.instagram.com/holzikstabl*** | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCH46wsZ1vJQe_hkWvuSV6tg | - | 0143, 0210, 0129, 93125, 014, 01, 021, 02, 012, 9312, 931, 93 | Fokken en houden van paarden en ezels, Bosbouw, Teelt van overige meerjarige gewassen, Paardensport en maneges, Fokken en houden van dieren, Landbouw, jacht en dienstverlening voor de landbouw en jacht, Bosbouw, exploitatie van bossen en dienstverlening voor de bosbouw, Teelt van meerjarige gewassen, Buitensport, Sport, Sport en recreatie | yoast seo, wordpress, php, mysql, google font api, font awesome, elementor, wp-statistics, jquery, requirejs, swiper slider, apache, facebook ogp, twitter cards, microsoft outlook, open graph, core js, microsoft 365, webpack, module federation, priority hints, rss, contact form 7, apache http server, jquery migrate, twitter emoji, jquery ui, complianz, monsterinsights, wp royal ashe, global site tag, google analytics, wpforms, fontello, yoast plugins, wordpress plugins, sitelinks search box, contact form, wp google maps, twemoji, w3 total cache, crux dataset, crux top 10m, crux top 50m, google tag manager, global privacy control, jetpack, woocommerce payments, dutch, woocommerce, woocommerce add to cart, organization schema, ashe, contactpoint schema, viewport meta, iphone mobile compatible, jetpack site accelerator, jquery waypoints, jquery blockui, lightbox, underscore.js, fitvids.js, intersection observer, facebook, instagram, spf, dmarc, microsoft exchange online, office 365 mail, ssl by default, letsencrypt, dnssec, digihosting, dutch server location, ipv6, really simple discovery, live writer support, outlook, zxcs, google fonts, underscore, euro, https, slick, utf 8, google, youtube, datatables, google api, meta robot, canonical tag, html5 doctype, html5 svg tag, meta viewport, cookie consent, instagram links, google web fonts, meta description, apple mobile tags, cart functionality, open graph protocol, opengraph url entity, opengraph type entity, opengraph image entity, opengraph locale entity, google marketing platform, trackjs, twitter emoji twemoji, lodash, ithemes security, oembed, akismet, aioseo, wordfence, yoast, wpcom, wc admin, wc analytics, wc, wpgmza, wp statistics, my jetpack, omapp, wc telemetry, wccom site, wp site health, wp block editor |
| 50337*** | VDL Stud Horse Sales B*** | Bearsterdyk*** | 902*** | Bears | NL | 53.1***,5.7*** | +31 58 251 9*** | i***@vdls***.com | https://www.vdls***.com | 3 | 2010 | Besloten Vennootschap | https://www.linkedin.com/company/vdl-stud-sport-&-training-b-*** | https://www.facebook.com/VdlS*** | - | https://www.instagram.com/vdl_st*** | - | - | 0143, 014, 01 | Fokken en houden van paarden en ezels, Fokken en houden van dieren, Landbouw, jacht en dienstverlening voor de landbouw en jacht | google font api, font awesome, animate.css, bootstrap, owl carousel, jquery, lightbox, youtube, google maps, jquery migrate, fancybox, facebook, google analytics, nginx, recaptcha, core js, microsoft 365, cloudflare, facebook pixel, php, jquery ui, cdnjs, facebook login, isotope, whatsapp business chat, lit html, lit element, themepunch, crux dataset, crux top 5m, viewport meta, iphone mobile compatible, euro, jquery easing, jquery waypoints, jquery mousewheel, facebook for websites, facebook sdk, imagesloaded, facebook custom audiences, spf, microsoft azure dns, microsoft exchange online, office 365 mail, letsencrypt, combell, belgian server location, apache, outlook, google fonts, google tag manager, google doubleclick ads, other google apis sdks, litelement, https, utf 8, google, masonry, instagram, google api, doubleclick, favicon tag, html5 doctype, meta keywords, instagram links, meta http equiv, x ua compatible, facebook connect, google web fonts, meta description, facebook advertiser, facebook like button, facebook social plugins, google marketing platform, facebook sign in, animate css |
| 22028*** | Stoeterij Duyselshof B*** | Landro*** | 552*** | Hoogeloon | NL | 51.3***,5.2*** | +31 497 369 *** | i***@stoeterijduysels***.nl | https://www.stoeterijduysels***.nl | 23 | 1999 | Besloten Vennootschap | https://www.linkedin.com/company/stoeterij-duyselshof-b.*** | https://www.facebook.com/Stoeterijduyselsh*** | - | https://www.instagram.com/stoeterijduyselsh*** | - | - | 0143, 014, 01 | Fokken en houden van paarden en ezels, Fokken en houden van dieren, Landbouw, jacht en dienstverlening voor de landbouw en jacht | youtube, php, plesk, nginx, facebook ogp, google tag manager, jquery, google analytics, open graph, hsts, knowbe4, crux dataset, crux top 10m, crux top 50m, facebook, transip hosted, dutch server location, microsoft azure dns, dmarc, spf, vdlgroep, google fonts, google doubleclick ads, other google apis sdks, jquery ui, hammer, https, utf 8, google, instagram, modernizr, google api, meta robot, doubleclick, favicon tag, google maps, canonical tag, html5 doctype, meta keywords, meta viewport, instagram links, meta http equiv, x ua compatible, google web fonts, meta description, open graph protocol, thing schema entity, united states dollar, opengraph type entity, opengraph image entity, content security policy, google marketing platform, hammer js |
| 37037*** | Manege Gr*** | Herenweg *** | 193*** | Egmond aan den Hoef | NL | 52.6***,4.6*** | +31 72 506 1*** | i***@manegegr***.nl | https://www.manegegr***.nl | 4 | 1969 | Eenmanszaak | https://www.linkedin.com/company/manege-gro*** | https://www.facebook.com/ManegeGro*** | https://twitter.com/Manegegr*** | https://www.instagram.com/manegegro*** | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5FKB4--0cfYKeOj3Ux47qQ | - | 0143, 014, 01 | Fokken en houden van paarden en ezels, Fokken en houden van dieren, Landbouw, jacht en dienstverlening voor de landbouw en jacht | yoast seo, wordpress, php, mysql, google font api, revslider, youtube, prettyphoto, jquery, facebook, jquery ui, recaptcha, apache, google analytics, facebook ogp, twitter cards, apache http server, global site tag, slider revolution, wordpress plugins, contact form, youtube iframe upload, google tag manager, sitelinks search box, yoast plugins, webp express, crux dataset, crux top 50m, crux top 10m, dutch, betheme, organization schema, viewport meta, iphone mobile compatible, google maps, euro, jplayer, youtube iframe api, isotope, magnific popup, slick js, requirejs, gsap, facebook for websites, facebook sdk, touchswipe, picturefill, intersection observer, plans and pricing, twitter, instagram, spf, letsencrypt, ssl by default, cldin, dutch server location, ipv6, really simple discovery, rss, live writer support, google site verification, google fonts, other google apis sdks, google cdn, google doubleclick ads, litelement, lit html, core js, https, slick, utf 8, google, masonry, twemoji, google api, meta robot, doubleclick, favicon tag, woocommerce, canonical tag, html5 doctype, html5 svg tag, meta viewport, instagram links, meta http equiv, theme color tag, facebook connect, google web fonts, html5 canvas tag, meta description, apple mobile tags, open graph protocol, opengraph url entity, meta format detection, opengraph type entity, opengraph locale entity, google marketing platform, facebook sign in, jquery migrate, twitter emoji twemoji, oembed, contact form 7, yoast, wp site health, wp block editor |
| 53624*** | Stoeterij Willems*** | Toldijk *** | 320*** | Hekelingen | NL | 51.8***,4.3*** | +31 181 687 *** | willems***@pla***.nl | http://www.willems***.nl | 6 | 1981 | Vennootschap Onder Firma | - | https://www.facebook.com/stoeterij.willems*** | - | - | - | - | 0143, 93125, 4312, 78202, 014, 01, 9312, 931, 93, 431, 43, 7820, 782, 78 | Fokken en houden van paarden en ezels, Paardensport en maneges, Grondverzet, Uitleenbureaus, Fokken en houden van dieren, Landbouw, jacht en dienstverlening voor de landbouw en jacht, Buitensport, Sport, Sport en recreatie, Slopen van bouwwerken, grondverzet en proefboren, Gespecialiseerde werkzaamheden in de bouw, Uitzendbureaus, uitleenbureaus en banenpools, Arbeidsbemiddeling, uitzendbureaus en personeelsbeheer | wordpress, php, mysql, google font api, revslider, font awesome, jquery, gravatar, litespeed, facebook ogp, twitter cards, backdrop, contact form 7, lightbox, jquery migrate, slider revolution, jetpack, crux dataset, crux top 50m, recaptcha, recaptcha v3, ajax libraries api, jsdelivr, bootstrapcdn, google hosted libraries, google hosted jquery, spf, letsencrypt, leaseweb, dutch server location, imunify360, nginx, ipv6, content delivery network, totaalholding, google fonts, wordpress site stats, knhs, staatsbosbeheer, modernizr, yepnope, isotope, flexslider, core js, rss, euro, https, utf 8, google, masonry, twemoji, facebook, google api, meta robot, google maps, woocommerce, canonical tag, html5 doctype, html5 svg tag, meta viewport, html5 video tag, infinite scroll, meta http equiv, google web fonts, live writer support, open graph protocol, litespeed web server, opengraph url entity, opengraph type entity, opengraph image entity, facebook social plugins, opengraph locale entity, really simple discovery, bootstrap, twitter emoji twemoji, oembed, wpcom, my jetpack, wp site health, wp block editor |