Apps & software

Alle bedrijven met Google Workspace

Dataset van alle 69.920 Nederlandse bedrijven en organisaties die Google Workspace gebruiken.

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KvK nummerBedrijfsnaamAdresPostcodeStadLandCoördinatenTelefoonnummerE-mailadresWebsiteMedewerkers (#)OprichtingsjaarOrganisatietypeLinkedInFacebookX (Twitter)InstagramYouTubePinterestSBI codesBedrijfsactiviteitenApps
83431***On That Ass Holding B***Graafsebaan ***524***RosmalenNL51.7***,5.4***+31 73 303 4***hello-***@onthat***.comhttps://onthat***.com202021Besloten Vennootschap************, 7010, 701, 70Holdings (geen financiële), Holdings (geen financiële) en concerndiensten binnen eigen concern, Holdings (geen financiële), concerndiensten binnen eigen concern en managementadviseringnuxt.js, vue.js, node.js, polyfill, amazon cloudfront, amazon web services, google search console, amazon aws dns, google gmail, slack, google tag manager, google font api, crux dataset, crux top 100k, cloudflare radar, cloudflare radar top 100k, dutch, german href lang, apollo graphql, viewport meta, iphone mobile compatible, euro, sentry, jquery, polyfill io, webpack, core js, vue, moment js, intersection observer, spf, dmarc, google apps for business, ssl by default, amazon ssl, amazon route, amazon, nginx, google webmaster, content delivery network, google, cloudflare cdn, other google apis sdks, locize, google cdn, ontajdu3js, facebook, cookiebot, google doubleclick ads, google analytics, lo dash, nuxt, https, utf 8, hotjar, g suite, faq page, onetrust, instagram, recaptcha, google api, polyfillio, doubleclick, favicon tag, html5 doctype, html5 svg tag, meta viewport, cookie consent, pound sterling, amazon route 53, html5 video tag, instagram links, meta http equiv, theme color tag, x ua compatible, facebook connect, google web fonts, apple mobile tags, tiktok advertising, facebook advertiser, open graph protocol, multilingual support, opengraph url entity, opengraph type entity, opengraph image entity, facebook custom audiences, google marketing platform, node js, vue js, nuxt js, lodash, google optimize, babel, google workspace, aws certificate manager
88220***Parkos International B***Boumaboulevard***972***GroningenNL53.2***,6.5***+31 50 808 0***supp***@par***.comhttp://www.par***.nl602022Besloten Vennootschap***************6312, 631, 63Webportals, Gegevensverwerking, webhosting en aanverwante activiteiten; webportalen, Dienstverlenende activiteiten op het gebied van informatiegoogle tag manager, nginx, google cloud, facebook ogp, twitter cards, google dns, google gmail, google analytics, google font api, open graph, sentry, google optimize, mouseflow, facebook signal, doubleclick floodlight, global site tag, google conversion linker, facebook pixel, trustpilot, microsoft clarity, zendesk embeddables, pinterest, crux dataset, crux top 500k, cloudflare radar, cloudflare radar top 500k, german href lang, french href lang, dutch, english href lang, spanish href lang, danish href lang, austrian german href lang, belgium french href lang, italian href lang, dutch href lang, polish href lang, portuguese href lang, swedish href lang, swiss italian href lang, swiss german href lang, swiss french href lang, organization schema, contactpoint schema, aggregaterating schema, openresty, nuxt.js, person schema, postaladdress schema, product schema, rating schema, review schema, viewport meta, iphone mobile compatible, oss cdn, jsdelivr, unpkg, euro, paypal, mastercard, visa, american express, bancontact, maestro, klarna, youtube, jquery, facebook sdk, facebook for websites, respond, intersection observer, core js, webpack, vue, vuex, day.js, google remarketing,, facebook custom audiences, google floodlight counter, google adsense, zendesk link, facebook, twitter, instagram, linkedin, mandrill, zendesk, spf, google apps for business, google cloud dns, google domains, dnssec, ssl by default, letsencrypt, hsts, google, ipv6, google cloud cdn, content delivery network, mandrillapp, google site verification, segreencolumn, cookiebot, parkos, google fonts, google doubleclick ads, bing ads, bing, nuxt, php, usps, https, ideal, utf 8, g suite, google api, heatmap it, meta robot, mistercash, doubleclick, favicon tag, canonical tag, html5 doctype, html5 svg tag, meta viewport, bing advertiser, instagram links, meta http equiv, theme color tag, x ua compatible, facebook connect, google web fonts, meta description, apple mobile tags, facebook advertiser, open graph protocol, multilingual support, opengraph url entity, pinterest advertiser, google ads advertiser, opengraph type entity, doubleclick advertiser, opengraph locale entity, bing universal advertiser, google marketing platform, node js, lua, vue js, nuxt js, microsoft advertising, lodash, mailchimp, google workspace
63643***NT Associates B***Monsterseweg***229***WateringenNL52.0***,4.2***+31 85 303 5***i***@nutheo***.nlhttps://www.nutheo***.nl12015Besloten Vennootschap************, 855, 85Auto- en motorrijscholen, Overig onderwijs, Onderwijsamp, google font api, vue.js, express, node.js, nginx, google gmail, amazon web services, amazon cloudfront, hsts, google workspace, http/3, statcounter, google analytics, google analytics classic, fastly, the feedback company, font awesome, ahrefs site verification, crux dataset, crux top 1m, cloudflare radar, dutch, firebase, nuxt.js, postaladdress schema, organization schema, iphone mobile compatible, viewport meta, ajax libraries api, jsdelivr, google maps, euro, wistia, jquery, facebook sdk, facebook for websites, angular js, google hosted libraries, google hosted jquery, moment js, webpack, vue, vuex, polyfill io, lodash, intersection observer, core js, gsap, facebook, twitter, tiktok, instagram, postmark, spf, google apps for business, dkim, dmarc, google, amazon, amazon frankfurt region, edge network, cpanel ssl, ssl by default, amazon ssl, amazon route, amazon alb, ipv6, aws cloudfront paris edge, content delivery network, copyright year, mtasv, globalsign, google site verification, website files, jsdelivr cdn, cloudfront, webflow, https, utf 8, nodejs, g suite, polyfillio, html5 doctype, html5 svg tag, amazon route 53, html5 video tag, theme color tag, html5 canvas tag, apple mobile tags, http live streaming, node js, vue js, nuxt js, aws certificate manager
86877***Toppy B***Kempkens 2***546***VeghelNL51.5***,5.5***+31 413 420 ***klantenserv***@to***.nl***.nl872022Besloten Vennootschap************, 47916, 78202, 4791, 479, 47, 7820, 782, 78Detailhandel via postorder en internet in huis- en tuinartikelen, Detailhandel via postorder en internet in vrijetijdsartikelen, Uitleenbureaus, Detailhandel via postorder en internet, Detailhandel niet via winkel of markt, Detailhandel (niet in auto's), Uitzendbureaus, uitleenbureaus en banenpools, Arbeidsbemiddeling, uitzendbureaus en personeelsbeheergoogle font api, google tag manager, google cloud, amazon aws dns, google gmail, jquery, google analytics, recaptcha, cart functionality, amazon web services, core js, webpack, module federation, google workspace, hotjar, mailgun, php, http/3, jsdelivr, mailjet, google cloud cdn, alpine.js, whatsapp business chat, microsoft advertising, microsoft clarity, robin, squeezely, varify, google optimize, facebook signal, facebook pixel, global site tag, google conversion linker, new relic, azure monitor, visual studio tracking, algolia, robinhq, surfly, sitelinks search box, kiyoh, whatsapp, browser update, ahrefs site verification, crux dataset, crux top 100k, crux top 500k, crux top 50k, cloudflare radar, cloudflare radar top 500k, apple business chat, dutch, dutch href lang, german href lang, magento, aggregaterating schema, contactpoint schema, organization schema, viewport meta, iphone mobile compatible, mobile optimized, ajax libraries api, microsoft azure cdn, euro, exact online, sentry, google hosted libraries, webfont loader, facebook for websites, facebook sdk, intersection observer, paazl, nshift, facebook custom audiences,, google adsense, facebook, linkedin, twitter, instagram, api developer, google apps for business, spf, dmarc, microsoft azure dns, ssl by default, letsencrypt, amazon route, google, amazon, apache, amazon cloudfront, baidu bot disallow, majestic bot disallow, content delivery network, exactonline, freshemail, afas, google site verification, pinterest, jsdelivr cdn, google fonts, bing ads, clarity, mailcampaigns, taggrs, google doubleclick ads, other google apis sdks, azure web services, https, nginx, utf 8, g suite, youtube, google api, meta robot, opensearch, favicon tag, thuiswinkel, canonical tag, html5 doctype, meta keywords, meta viewport, amazon route 53, instagram links, meta http equiv, theme color tag, x ua compatible, facebook connect, google web fonts, meta description, apple mobile tags, facebook advertiser, open graph protocol, opengraph url entity, meta format detection, opengraph image entity, content security policy, google marketing platform, alpine js
56879***Shadowfax B***Singel 11***101***AmsterdamNL52.3***,4.8***+31 6 22101***wi***@shadow***.nlhttps://www.shadow***.in02013Besloten Vennootschap************--64303, 6430, 643, 64Beleggingsinstellingen met beperkte toetreding, Beleggingsinstellingen, Financiële instellingen (geen verzekeringen en pensioenfondsen)webflow, google tag manager, google font api, jquery, openresty, nginx, lua, varnish, google analytics, facebook ogp, amazon aws dns, google gmail, freshemail, zohoanalytics, icewarpcloud, google, amazonses, google site verification, website files, cloudfront, google doubleclick ads, hotjar, linkedin ads, facebook, unbounce, clarity, other google apis sdks, bing ads, preact, core js, https, amazon, medium, g suite, youtube, jsdelivr, instagram, mailchimp, amazon ses, cloudflare, doubleclick, google maps, canonical tag, html5 doctype, html5 svg tag, amazon hosting, cookie consent, amazon route 53, html5 video tag, instagram links, meta http equiv, facebook connect, apple mobile tags, facebook advertiser, linkedin advertiser, open graph protocol, linkedin retargeting, google ads advertiser, opengraph type entity, doubleclick advertiser, content security policy, facebook custom audiences, google marketing platform, amazon web services, microsoft clarity, linkedin insight tag, facebook pixel, google workspace
Willekeurige voorbeelden

1. Algemene informatie

Met adres 69.371
Met telefoonnummer 62.029
Met e-mailadres 65.674
Met website 69.920
Met KvK nummer 69.920
Met btw nummer 32.139

2. Bedrijfsgrootte

1 medewerker 41.355
2 - 5 medewerkers 17.054
6 - 10 medewerkers 5.064
11 - 20 medewerkers 2.749
21 - 50 medewerkers 1.966
51 - 100 medewerkers 582
101 - 250 medewerkers 419
251 - 500 medewerkers 110
501 - 1.000 medewerkers 70
1.001 - 2.500 medewerkers 53
2.501 - 5.000 medewerkers 27
5.001 - 10.000 medewerkers 8
10.001+ medewerkers 13
Medewerkersaantal onbekend 450

3. Locatie

Drenthe 1.124
Flevoland 1.392
Friesland 1.983
Gelderland 6.843
Groningen 2.090
Limburg 3.046
Noord-Brabant 8.512
Noord-Holland 17.788
Overijssel 3.388
Utrecht 7.234
Zeeland 993
Zuid-Holland 14.788

4. Sociale media

Met LinkedIn profiel URL 35.745
Met Twitter profiel URL 22.172
Met Facebook profiel URL 47.624
Met Youtube profiel URL 8.646
Met Instagram profiel URL 31.159
Met Pinterest profiel URL 3.531

5. Apps & software

Met e-mailprovider 69.920
Met content management systeem (CMS) 43.535
Met webshop software 6.458
Met marketing software 16.688
Met webanalyse software 33.558
Met tag manager 14.411
Met server 53.212
Met database 31.948
Met CDN 7.550

6. Rechtsvorm

Eenmanszaak 26.951
Besloten Vennootschap (BV) 26.348
Naamloze Vennootschap (NV) 31
Vennootschap Onder Firma (VOF) 4.964
Commanditaire Vennootschap (CV) 204
Maatschap 518
Coöperatie 189
Stichting 5.505
Vereniging 3.196
Buitenlandse Rechtsvorm 310
Publiekrechtelijke Rechtspersoon 2
Rechtspersoon in oprichting 6
Kerkgenootschap 234
Onderlinge Waarborg Maatschappij 2
Rederij 2
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Alle bedrijven met Google Workspace

De complete dataset met 69.920 bedrijfsprofielen kost € 4.404,96 ex. btw. Customize de dataset door jouw markt of doelgroep verder te specificeren. Hierdoor wordt de dataset relevanter, kleiner én (veel) goedkoper. Direct bestellen, betalen & downloaden kan natuurlijk ook.

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