| KvK nummer | Bedrijfsnaam | Adres | Postcode | Stad | Land | Coördinaten | Telefoonnummer | E-mailadres | Website | Medewerkers (#) | Oprichtingsjaar | Organisatietype | LinkedIn | Facebook | X (Twitter) | Instagram | YouTube | Pinterest | SBI codes | Bedrijfsactiviteiten | Apps |
| 16054*** | Van Tilburg Mode en Sport B*** | Laa*** | 538*** | Nistelrode | NL | 51.7***,5.5*** | +31 412 611 *** | infonistelr***@vantilb***.nl | https://www.vantilburgonl***.nl | 265 | 1987 | Besloten Vennootschap | https://nl.linkedin.com/company/van-tilburg-mode-en-sp*** | http://www.facebook.com/VanTilburgM*** | - | https://www.instagram.com/vantilburgwomenfashi*** | http://www.youtube.com/VanTilburgMode | - | 47713, 47714, 4771, 477, 47 | Winkels in bovenkleding en mode-artikelen (algemeen assortiment), Winkels in baby- en kinderkleding, Winkels in kleding en mode-artikelen; textielsupermarkten, Winkels in overige artikelen, Detailhandel (niet in auto's) | robin, google font api, font awesome, google tag manager, microsoft asp.net, iis, windows server, google analytics, cloudflare, google search console, bootstrap, cart functionality, node.js, microsoft 365, webpack, trustpilot, hotjar, vue.js, mailjet, amp, vwo, contentful, nuxt.js, squeezely, cloudflare insights, global site tag, google conversion linker, cloudflare web analytics, robinhq, photoswipe, apple business chat, crux dataset, crux top 100k, crux top 50k, cloudflare radar, cloudflare radar top 500k, dutch href lang, divide, asp.net, asp.net ajax, smtp tls reporting, microsoft azure cdn, bootstrapcdn, jsdelivr, viewport meta, iphone mobile compatible, euro, jquery, jquery ui, modernizr, html5shiv, intersection observer, doubleclick.net, facebook, copernica, trustpilot service, sophos, uriports, spf, dmarc, microsoft azure dns, microsoft exchange online, office 365 mail, cloudflare dns, cloudflare hosting, leaseweb, ssl by default, cloudflare ssl, apache, ipv6, cloudflare cdn, content delivery network, google webmaster, outlook, trustpilotservice, google site verification, ctfassets, trust pilot, scayle, azure web services, bing ads, vue, nuxt, visa, https, ideal, utf 8, google, paypal, sofort, asp net, maestro, afterpay, instagram, recaptcha, bancontact, google api, mastercard, mistercash, doubleclick, favicon tag, canonical tag, html5 doctype, meta keywords, meta viewport, cookie consent, instagram links, meta http equiv, x ua compatible, google web fonts, meta description, apple mobile tags, webpage schema entity, google marketing platform, microsoft asp net |
| 54360*** | Batterijenhuis B*** | De Veldove*** | 334*** | Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht | NL | 51.8***,4.6*** | +31 85 080 5*** | i***@batterijenh***.nl | https://www.batterijenh***.nl | 0 | 2011 | Besloten Vennootschap | https://www.linkedin.com/company/batterijenhuis*** | https://www.facebook.com/Batterijenhu*** | https://twitter.com/batterijenh*** | https://www.instagram.com/batterijenhu*** | - | - | 4652, 46432, 47912, 465, 46, 4643, 464, 4791, 479, 47 | Groothandel in elektronische en telecommunicatieapparatuur en bijbehorende onderdelen, Groothandel in elektrische huishoudelijke apparatuur (geen witgoed, audio en video), Detailhandel via postorder en internet in consumentenelektronica, Groothandel in ICT-apparatuur, Groothandel en handelsbemiddeling (niet in auto's en motorfietsen), Groothandel in elektrische huishoudelijke apparatuur, audio- en videoapparatuur en fotografische en optische artikelen, Groothandel in consumentenartikelen (non-food), Detailhandel via postorder en internet, Detailhandel niet via winkel of markt, Detailhandel (niet in auto's) | google font api, google tag manager, font awesome, apache, google analytics, microsoft outlook, bootstrap, jquery, recaptcha, hotjar, trustpilot, global site tag, yahoo dot, google conversion linker, silktide cookie consent, sitelinks search box, cookie consent by osano, crux dataset, crux top 1m, cloudflare radar, dutch, dutch href lang, opencart, contactpoint schema, organization schema, store schema, aggregaterating schema, localbusiness schema, viewport meta, iphone mobile compatible, jsdelivr, bootstrapcdn, euro, bancontact, paypal, jquery ui, jquery colorbox, jquery cycle, fizzy ui utils, flickity, imagesloaded, doubleclick.net, facebook, twitter, instagram, trustpilot service, mailchimp spf, spf, microsoft exchange online, microsoft azure dns, office 365 mail, dmarc, 3 to 9 cctld redirects, dnssec, ssl by default, letsencrypt, previder, dutch server location, ipv6, content delivery network, trustpilotservice, outlook, hostingondemand, mcsv, google site verification, trust pilot, bootstrap cdn, other google apis sdks, google fonts, google cdn, bing ads, spotlersearch, spotlersearchanalytics, google doubleclick ads, cookiebot, usps, https, ideal, utf 8, google, sofort, youtube, afterpay, google api, meta robot, mistercash, doubleclick, html5 doctype, meta keywords, meta viewport, bing advertiser, instagram links, meta http equiv, google web fonts, meta description, cart functionality, bing universal advertiser, google marketing platform, php, microsoft advertising, microsoft 365 |
| 57599*** | Topvintage.nl B*** | Wiebachstraa*** | 646*** | Kerkrade | NL | 50.8***,6.0*** | +31 45 750 7*** | i***@topvint***.nl | http://www.topvint***.nl | 3 | 2008 | Besloten Vennootschap | https://nl.linkedin.com/company/topvintage*** | https://facebook.com/topvint*** | https://twitter.com/TopVint*** | https://www.instagram.com/topvintage_boutiq*** | https://www.youtube.com/user/TopVintage | https://www.pinterest.com/topvinta*** | 47914, 4791, 479, 47 | Detailhandel via postorder en internet in kleding en mode-artikelen, Detailhandel via postorder en internet, Detailhandel niet via winkel of markt, Detailhandel (niet in auto's) | new relic, google font api, google tag manager, php, cloudflare, google search console, backdrop, microsoft outlook, jquery, google analytics, web vitals, apple whitelist, crux dataset, crux top 100k, cloudflare radar, cloudflare radar top 500k, microsoft exchange online, spf, microsoft azure dns, office 365 mail, dmarc, cloudflare hosting, cloudflare dns, ssl by default, nginx, ipv6, outlook, access, facebook, globalsign, google site verification, topvintage, photoslurp, google doubleclick ads, unpkg, clarity, bing ads, hotjar, bootstrap, euro, visa, https, ideal, kiyoh, utf 8, criteo, google, klarna, paypal, smooch, sofort, addthis, giropay, maestro, youtube, afterpay, apple pay, instagram, modernizr, rtb house, google api, mastercard, meta robot, mistercash, doubleclick, favicon tag, canonical tag, html5 doctype, html5 svg tag, meta keywords, meta viewport, pound sterling, bing advertiser, instagram links, meta http equiv, x ua compatible, american express, facebook connect, google web fonts, meta description, apple mobile tags, criteo advertiser, facebook advertiser, offer schema entity, open graph protocol, multilingual support, opengraph url entity, rating schema entity, review schema entity, united states dollar, google ads advertiser, opengraph type entity, product schema entity, webpage schema entity, website schema entity, doubleclick advertiser, opengraph image entity, bing universal advertiser, facebook custom audiences, google marketing platform, microsoft 365 |
| 34180*** | Vereniging Centrum Promotie Stadshart Amstelv*** | Rembrandtweg*** | 118*** | Amstelveen | NL | 52.3***,4.8*** | +31 20 426 5*** | i***@stadshartamstelv***.nl | https://www.westfi***.com | 3 | 2002 | Vereniging | https://www.linkedin.com/company/stadshart-amstelve*** | https://www.facebook.com/StadshartAmstelve*** | https://twitter.com/stadshartams*** | https://www.instagram.com/stadshartamstl*** | https://www.youtube.com/user/StadshartAmstelveen | - | 94997, 9499, 949, 94 | Overige belangenbehartiging n.e.g., Overige belangen- en ideële organisaties; hobbyclubs, Levensbeschouwelijke en politieke organisaties, belangen- en ideële organisaties, hobbyclubs | adobe experience manager, java, jquery, tealium, apache, varnish, facebook ogp, amazon aws dns, accessibe, google optimize, google analytics, new relic, fastly, google conversion linker, webex, apple whitelist, onetrust, optanon, slack, google tag manager, smart app banner, google font api, docusign, recaptcha, webex panel, crux dataset, crux top 50k, cloudflare radar, cloudflare radar top 50k, global privacy control, teamviewer, adobe enterprise cloud, apollo graphql, cloudinary, azure edge, cdn js, cloudflare, cloudflare js, jsdelivr, viewport meta, iphone mobile compatible, google maps, google maps api, pound sterling, euro, atlassian cloud, adobe cq, my salesforce, handlebars, slick js, vue, core js, react, webpack, bootstrap.js, exacttarget, doubleclick.net, google remarketing, careers, events page, facebook, instagram, twitter, find a store, do not sell, api developer, github, proofpoint, exacttarget email, symantec.cloud, servicenow, microsoft azure dns, spf, dmarc, microsoft exchange online, office 365 mail, apple icloud mail, fastly hosted, amazon, microsoft, microsoft azure, ssl by default, digicert ssl, rapidssl, hsts, amazon route, iis, amazon cloudfront, content delivery network, yandex verification, pphosted, mailgun, outlook, adobe idp, apple, atlassian, autodesk, google site verification, hj, azure web services, jsdelivr cdn, urw, create react app, https, utf 8, google, sofort, yandex, asp net, afterpay, bootstrap, google api, google pay, sitecore cms, html5 doctype, html5 svg tag, meta keywords, meta viewport, poczta polska, cookie consent, physical store, amazon route 53, instagram links, meta http equiv, x ua compatible, google web fonts, meta description, apple mobile tags, multilingual support, adobe marketing cloud, content security policy, google marketing platform, amazon web services |
| 22035*** | Intersport G*** | Kreukelmarkt*** | 446*** | Goes | NL | 51.5***,3.8*** | +31 113 270 *** | inter***@zeeland***.nl | https://www.intersp***.nl | 9 | 1985 | Vennootschap Onder Firma | https://www.linkedin.com/company/intersport-go*** | https://www.facebook.com/Intersport*** | https://twitter.com/interspor*** | https://www.instagram.com/intersport*** | - | - | 47643, 4764, 476, 47 | Winkels in sportartikelen (geen watersport), Winkels in fietsen en bromfietsen, sport- en kampeerartikelen en boten, Winkels in lectuur, sport-, kampeer- en recreatie-artikelen, Detailhandel (niet in auto's) | google tag manager, salesforce commerce cloud, modernizr, google analytics, cloudflare, google search console, onetrust, jquery, recaptcha, cquotient, google optimize, global site tag, apple whitelist, optanon, photoswipe, whatsapp, crux dataset, crux top 500k, cloudflare radar, cloudflare radar top 500k, global privacy control, dutch, dutch href lang, demandware, brand schema, organization schema, viewport meta, iphone mobile compatible, euro, mastercard, visa, paypal, vimeo, publitas, jquery validate, gsap, iscroll, imagesloaded, lodash, core js, vue, lazysizes, intersection observer, doubleclick.net, facebook, twitter, instagram, ism ecompany, cloudflare hosting, mailgun, mail plus, spf, dmarc, ssl by default, sectigo ssl, sectigo domain ssl, apache, cloudflare cdn, google webmaster, msn bing webmaster, content delivery network, mailplus, supportbyrobin, other google apis sdks, google cdn, google fonts, jquery ui, greensock js, usps, https, ideal, utf 8, vuejs, adform, dataxu, google, lotame, adition, semasio, afterpay, datatrics, freewheel, mediamath, towerdata, tradedesk, drawbridge, meta robot, onaudience, salesforce, canonical tag, html5 doctype, html5 svg tag, meta viewport, cookie consent, index exchange, html5 video tag, improve digital, instagram links, meta http equiv, rubicon project, x ua compatible, meta description, cart functionality, brand schema entity, multilingual support, content security policy, google marketing platform, vue js, sectigo |