| KvK nummer | Bedrijfsnaam | Adres | Postcode | Stad | Land | Coördinaten | Telefoonnummer | E-mailadres | Website | Medewerkers (#) | Oprichtingsjaar | Organisatietype | LinkedIn | Facebook | X (Twitter) | Instagram | YouTube | Pinterest | SBI codes | Bedrijfsactiviteiten | Apps |
| 41079*** | Stichting St*** | Berlostraat*** | 636*** | Voerendaal | NL | 50.8***,5.9*** | +31 10 798 8*** | i***@coolb***.nl | https://www.coolb***.nl | 0 | 1997 | Stichting | - | https://www.facebook.com/Coolb*** | https://twitter.com/Coolblue*** | https://www.instagram.com/coolbl*** | - | - | 64301, 6430, 643, 64 | Beleggingsinstellingen in financiële activa, Beleggingsinstellingen, Financiële instellingen (geen verzekeringen en pensioenfondsen) | google tag manager, google analytics, nginx, amazon cloudfront, amazon web services, google search console, amazon aws dns, report uri, objectiveportal, usabilla, crazyegg, global site tag, google conversion linker, linkedin insights, facebook pixel, facebook signal, apple whitelist, logmein, google font api, smart app banner, pinterest, kiyoh, docusign, recaptcha, crux dataset, crux top 10k, cloudflare radar, cloudflare radar top 50k, dutch, french href lang, english href lang, german href lang, belgium french href lang, dutch href lang, cart functionality, adobe enterprise cloud, aggregaterating schema, organization schema, brand schema, offer schema, product schema, viewport meta, mobile optimized, iphone mobile compatible, mastercard, visa, euro, apple pay, youtube, atlassian cloud, facebook for websites, jquery, modernizr, webpack, facebook sdk, es6 promise, core js, intersection observer, lodash, doubleclick.net, facebook custom audiences, google remarketing, google floodlight sales, google floodlight counter, postnl, ups, facebook, twitter, instagram, careers, amazon ses, spf, microsoft azure dns, google apps for business, dmarc, apple icloud mail, 3 to 9 cctld redirects, amazon route, ssl by default, amazon ssl, hsts, amazon, u.s. server location, apache, aws cloudfront paris edge, baidu bot disallow, majestic bot disallow, google webmaster, amazonses, google, adobe idp, apple, atlassian, google site verification, jamf, openai, paloaltonetworks, parallels, coolblue, google doubleclick ads, crazy egg, usps, adyen, https, ideal, utf 8, budbee, klarna, datadog, g suite, meta robot, doubleclick, favicon tag, thuiswinkel, canonical tag, html5 doctype, html5 svg tag, meta viewport, cookie consent, physical store, amazon route 53, instagram links, meta http equiv, theme color tag, x ua compatible, facebook connect, meta description, apple mobile tags, facebook advertiser, adobe marketing cloud, apple itunes app meta, content security policy, google marketing platform, php, choices, google workspace, aws certificate manager |
| 80727*** | De Grieze B*** | Stationsweg*** | 580*** | Oostrum | NL | 51.5***,6.0*** | +31 6 55937*** | i***@brouwerijdegri***.nl | https://www.brouwerijdegri***.nl | 6 | 2020 | Besloten Vennootschap | - | https://www.facebook.com/brouwerij.deGri*** | - | https://www.instagram.com/brouwerijdegrie*** | - | - | 4634, 85592, 47911, 52109, 463, 46, 8559, 855, 85, 4791, 479, 47, 5210, 521, 52 | Groothandel in dranken (geen zuivel), Bedrijfsopleiding en -training, Detailhandel via postorder en internet voedingsmiddelen en drogisterijwaren, Opslag in distributiecentra en overige opslag (niet in tanks, koelhuizen e.d.), Groothandel in voedings- en genotmiddelen, Groothandel en handelsbemiddeling (niet in auto's en motorfietsen), Overig onderwijs n.e.g., Overig onderwijs, Onderwijs, Detailhandel via postorder en internet, Detailhandel niet via winkel of markt, Detailhandel (niet in auto's), Opslag, Opslag en dienstverlening voor vervoer | google font api, bootstrap, particles.js, font awesome, jquery, php, apache, open graph, cart functionality, react, core js, crux dataset, crux top 50m, crux top 10m, dutch, shopify, shopify account, shopify dawn theme, shopify euro, shopify conversions, organization schema, viewport meta, iphone mobile compatible, amazon s3, cloudflare, euro, pubsubjs, facebook, instagram, letsencrypt, ssl by default, hsts, spf, amazon, amazon ireland region, shopify hosted, ipv6, cloudflare cdn, google adsbot disallow, ahrefs bot disallow, content delivery network, mijndomeinhosting, shop, xotiny, ecomsend, heroku, av northern apps, amazon web services, preact, rss, https, utf 8, google, varnish, recaptcha, wordpress, google api, meta robot, google maps, canonical tag, cookie notice, html5 doctype, html5 svg tag, meta viewport, amazon hosting, cookie consent, instagram links, meta http equiv, x ua compatible, google web fonts, html5 canvas tag, pingback support, apple mobile tags, live writer support, united states dollar, really simple discovery, mobx, facebook pixel, boomerang |
| 32112*** | Stichting TREF Ve*** | Nijmeegseweg*** | 591*** | Venlo | NL | 51.3***,6.1*** | +31 77 352 1*** | i***@trefcen***.nl | https://www.trefcen***.nl | 0 | 2006 | Stichting | https://www.linkedin.com/company/tref-cent*** | https://www.facebook.com/TrefcenterVen*** | https://twitter.com/TrefcenterVe*** | https://www.instagram.com/trefcenterven*** | - | - | 7021, 702, 70 | Public relationsbureaus, Advisering op het gebied van management en bedrijfsvoering, Holdings (geen financiële), concerndiensten binnen eigen concern en managementadvisering | php, apache, google analytics, facebook ogp, open graph, pwa, apache http server, global site tag, fonts.com, facebook sharer, google tag manager, crux dataset, crux top 5m, viewport meta, iphone mobile compatible, euro, jquery, facebook for websites, facebook sdk, doubleclick.net, mailchimp spf, spf, letsencrypt, dnssec, computel standby, dutch server location, nettt, mcsv, google site verification, adobe typekit, google doubleclick ads, cookiebot, facebook, core js, https, slick, google, instagram, meta robot, doubleclick, favicon tag, google maps, canonical tag, html5 doctype, html5 svg tag, meta keywords, meta viewport, instagram links, facebook connect, meta description, facebook advertiser, open graph protocol, opengraph url entity, opengraph type entity, facebook custom audiences, google marketing platform, bootstrap, fancybox, facebook pixel |
| 14067*** | Attractiepark Toverl*** | Toverlaa*** | 597*** | Sevenum | NL | 51.3***,5.9*** | +31 77 467 7*** | i***@toverl***.nl | https://www.toverl***.com | 37 | 2000 | Besloten Vennootschap | https://www.linkedin.com/company/attractiepark-toverla*** | https://www.facebook.com/AttractieparkToverla*** | https://twitter.com/toverl*** | https://www.instagram.com/attractieparktoverla*** | https://www.youtube.com/attractieparktoverland | - | 93211, 78202, 9321, 932, 93, 7820, 782, 78 | Pret- en themaparken, Uitleenbureaus, Pret- en themaparken; kermisattracties, Overige recreatie, Sport en recreatie, Uitzendbureaus, uitleenbureaus en banenpools, Arbeidsbemiddeling, uitzendbureaus en personeelsbeheer | typo3 cms, php, google tag manager, recaptcha, vue.js, jquery, jquery ui, apache, ubuntu, facebook ogp, twitter cards, visual website optimizer, google optimize, google analytics, facebook signal, facebook pixel, global site tag, google conversion linker, microsoft clarity, juicer, slack, typekit, typekit async, tripadvisor, youtube iframe upload, recaptcha v2, yoast plugins, facebook login, crux dataset, crux top 100k, crux top 500k, cloudflare radar, cloudflare radar top 500k, cookiebot, global privacy control, dutch, german, german href lang, english href lang, french href lang, dutch href lang, google maps, google maps api, viewport meta, iphone mobile compatible, js cache, jsdelivr, euro, youtube, youtube iframe api, videojs, facebook embedded video, youtube privacy enchanced, typo3, jquery validate, facebook sdk, facebook for websites, picturefill, slick js, moment js, selectize, parsley.js, lazysizes, vue, gsap, axios, intersection observer, core js, scrollmagic, doubleclick.net, facebook custom audiences, google remarketing, google floodlight counter, plans and pricing, events page, facebook, tiktok, twitter, instagram, mail plus, spamexperts, mailgun, powerdmarc, spf, dmarc, microsoft azure dns, microsoft exchange online, office 365 mail, 3 to 9 cctld redirects, ssl by default, letsencrypt, digihosting, dutch server location, ipv6, content delivery network, outlook, powerspf, adobe typekit, other google apis sdks, mailplus, google cdn, toverland, google doubleclick ads, google fonts, greensock js, moment, https, slick, utf 8, vimeo, anchor, google, favicon tag, canonical tag, html5 doctype, html5 svg tag, meta viewport, html5 video tag, instagram links, theme color tag, x ua compatible, facebook connect, meta description, apple mobile tags, open graph protocol, opengraph image entity, google marketing platform, facebook sign in |
| 12037*** | Tuincentrum Leurs B*** | Straelseweg *** | 591*** | Venlo | NL | 51.3***,6.1*** | +31 77 321 6*** | i***@le***.nl | https://www.le***.nl | 50 | 1997 | Besloten Vennootschap | https://www.linkedin.com/company/tuincentrum-leu*** | https://www.facebook.com/tuincentrumle*** | https://twitter.com/TCLe*** | https://www.instagram.com/tuincentrumleu*** | - | https://www.pinterest.com/tuincentrumleu*** | 47762, 4776, 477, 47 | Tuincentra, Winkels in bloemen, planten, zaden, tuinbenodigdheden, huisdieren en dierbenodigdheden, Winkels in overige artikelen, Detailhandel (niet in auto's) | google tag manager, google font api, recaptcha, jquery, facebook, nginx, facebook ogp, google search console, cart functionality, core js, hsts, hotjar, google analytics, facebook pixel, global site tag, facebook signal, google adwords conversion, google conversion linker, smartsupp, google chrome frame popup, recaptcha v3, crux dataset, crux top 1m, cookie script, dutch, php, viewport meta, iphone mobile compatible, ajax libraries api, cloudflare, euro, youtube, garden connect, mailcheck, jquery ui, jquery innerfade, jquery throttle debounce, fancybox, facebook for websites, google hosted libraries, google hosted jquery, google hosted jquery ui, facebook sdk, modernizr, html5shiv, yepnope, imagesloaded, intersection observer, doubleclick.net, facebook custom audiences, google remarketing, instagram, api developer, spf, microsoft azure dns, microsoft exchange online, office 365 mail, dmarc, cloudflare hosting, cloudflare ssl, ssl by default, cloudflare dns, dnssec, parallels plesk panel, ipv6, rss, cloudflare cdn, msn bing webmaster, google webmaster, content delivery network, gardenconnect, afas, outlook, hypernode, google site verification, klaviyo, onesignal, google fonts, google doubleclick ads, other google apis sdks, https, ideal, utf 8, google, maestro, google api, mastercard, meta robot, p3p policy, doubleclick, google maps, html5 doctype, meta keywords, meta viewport, cookie consent, instagram links, meta http equiv, x ua compatible, facebook connect, google web fonts, meta description, facebook advertiser, offer schema entity, open graph protocol, opengraph url entity, google ads advertiser, meta format detection, opengraph type entity, product schema entity, doubleclick advertiser, opengraph image entity, content security policy, opengraph locale entity, google marketing platform, newsarticle schema entity, choices, microsoft 365 |