| KvK nummer | Bedrijfsnaam | Adres | Postcode | Stad | Land | Coördinaten | Telefoonnummer | E-mailadres | Website | Medewerkers (#) | Oprichtingsjaar | Organisatietype | LinkedIn | Facebook | X (Twitter) | Instagram | YouTube | Pinterest | SBI codes | Bedrijfsactiviteiten | Apps |
| 66374*** | Vrolijcke Jonc*** | Bolmee*** | 935*** | Zevenhuizen | NL | 53.1***,6.3*** | +31 594 637 *** | vrolijckejonc***@gm***.com | https://vrolijckejonc***.nl | 0 | 2016 | Vennootschap Onder Firma | - | https://www.facebook.com/vrolijcke.jonc*** | - | https://www.instagram.com/vrolijcke_jonck*** | - | - | 1105, 85592, 110, 11, 8559, 855, 85 | Vervaardiging van bier, Bedrijfsopleiding en -training, Vervaardiging van dranken, Overig onderwijs n.e.g., Overig onderwijs, Onderwijs | yoast seo, wordpress, php, mysql, google font api, jquery, plesk, nginx, google analytics, facebook ogp, twitter cards, global site tag, monsterinsights, google tag manager, sitelinks search box, wordpress plugins, yoast plugins, dutch, divi, elegant themes, iphone mobile compatible, viewport meta, mediaelement.js, jquery noconflict, fitvids.js, magnific popup, salvattore, core js, matchmedia, lightbox, facebook, instagram, ssl by default, letsencrypt, realtime register, dnssec, spf, cldin, dutch server location, parallels plesk panel, live writer support, pingback support, really simple discovery, rss, yourfilter, google fonts, https, utf 8, google, youtube, google api, meta robot, canonical tag, html5 doctype, html5 svg tag, meta viewport, instagram links, meta http equiv, x ua compatible, yourhosting dns, google web fonts, meta description, apple mobile tags, open graph protocol, opengraph url entity, opengraph type entity, opengraph image entity, opengraph locale entity, google marketing platform, mediaelement js, jquery migrate, oembed, siteground settings, siteground optimizer, yoast, wp site health, wp block editor |
| 56734*** | Ba*** | Hoofdstraat*** | 997*** | Kloosterburen | NL | 53.3***,6.3*** | +31 595 487 *** | i***@lasalaba***.com | https://lasalaba***.com | 1 | 2013 | Eenmanszaak | https://www.linkedin.com/company/la-sala-puerto-ban*** | https://www.facebook.com/lasalaba*** | https://twitter.com/lasalaba*** | https://www.instagram.com/lasalaban*** | - | - | 4120, 412, 41 | Algemene burgerlijke en utiliteitsbouw, Algemene burgerlijke en utiliteitsbouw en projectontwikkeling | google font api, wordpress, php, mysql, google tag manager, jquery, facebook, litespeed, litespeed cache, facebook ogp, twitter cards, google search console, ionos, google site verification, google fonts, atreemo, covermanager, calltrackingmetrics, atreemosurvey, google doubleclick ads, google analytics, localhost, adobe typekit, salagroupholdings, new relic, isotope, core js, rss, euro, https, utf 8, google, hotjar, masonry, jsdelivr, instagram, google api, meta robot, 1 and 1 dns, doubleclick, favicon tag, google maps, canonical tag, html5 doctype, html5 svg tag, meta viewport, cookie consent, instagram links, meta http equiv, x ua compatible, facebook connect, google web fonts, meta description, pingback support, facebook advertiser, live writer support, open graph protocol, litespeed web server, opengraph url entity, united states dollar, opengraph type entity, opengraph image entity, opengraph locale entity, really simple discovery, facebook custom audiences, google marketing platform, gsap, osano, jquery migrate, facebook pixel |
| 41012*** | S*** | Hereweg *** | 972*** | Groningen | NL | 53.2***,6.5*** | +31 50 571 8*** | klantadv***@s***.nl | https://www.s***.nl | 850 | 1993 | Stichting | https://nl.linkedin.com/company/sksgkinderopv*** | https://www.facebook.com/SKSGKinderopv*** | https://twitter.com/overs*** | https://www.instagram.com/sksg_kinderopva*** | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCf-X1r9ViIOo6VfpdLdTsrA | - | 8891, 889, 88 | Kinderopvang en peuterspeelzaalwerk, Maatschappelijke dienstverlening zonder overnachting niet specifiek gericht op ouderen en gehandicapten, Maatschappelijke dienstverlening zonder overnachting | google tag manager, yoast seo, wordpress, php, mysql, jquery, google maps, nginx, facebook ogp, twitter cards, microsoft outlook, open graph, pwa, mailgun, google analytics, sitelinks search box, yoast plugins, whatsapp, pinterest, crux dataset, crux top 5m, schema plugin, dutch, foundation, contactpoint schema, organization schema, google maps api, ajax libraries api, jsdelivr, viewport meta, iphone mobile compatible, euro, google hosted libraries, google hosted jquery, matchmedia, slick js, modernizr, magnific popup, intersection observer, doubleclick.net, plans and pricing, facebook, linkedin, twitter, instagram, sendgrid, microsoft azure dns, spf, microsoft exchange online, office 365 mail, dmarc, barracuda networks, apple icloud mail, ssl by default, transip hosted, dutch server location, content delivery network, outlook, afas, gomsp, amazonses, barracudanetworks, apple, google site verification, jsdelivr cdn, google doubleclick ads, google fonts, litelement, lit html, https, slick, utf 8, google, youtube, barracuda, google api, meta robot, doubleclick, canonical tag, gravity forms, html5 doctype, meta viewport, instagram links, meta http equiv, theme color tag, google web fonts, meta description, apple mobile tags, open graph protocol, multilingual support, opengraph url entity, pinterest advertiser, opengraph type entity, opengraph image entity, opengraph locale entity, google marketing platform, azure |
| 01123*** | Forum Groningen / Groninger Forum / Forum Bibliotheek / Forum Biosc*** | Nieuwe Mark*** | 971*** | Groningen | NL | 53.2***,6.5*** | +31 50 368 3*** | i***@fo***.nl | https://www.visitgronin***.nl | 133 | 2000 | Stichting | https://www.linkedin.com/company/forum-groning*** | https://www.facebook.com/forumgronin*** | https://twitter.com/forum_gronin*** | https://www.instagram.com/forumgroning*** | - | https://www.pinterest.com/visitgroning*** | 91011, 6832, 88999, 5914, 91021, 91022, 90041, 90042, 9101, 910, 91, 683, 68, 8899, 889, 88, 591, 59, 9102, 9004, 900, 90 | Openbare bibliotheken, Beheer van onroerend goed, Overig maatschappelijk advies, gemeenschapshuizen en samenwerkingsorganen op het gebied van welzijn, Bioscopen, Musea, Kunstgalerieën en -expositieruimten, Theaters en schouwburgen, Evenementenhallen, Culturele uitleencentra en openbare archieven, Culturele uitleencentra, openbare archieven, musea, dieren- en plantentuinen, natuurbehoud, Bemiddeling in en beheer van onroerend, Verhuur van en handel in onroerend goed, Ambulante jeugdzorg, maatschappelijk werk en advies en lokaal welzijnswerk, Maatschappelijke dienstverlening zonder overnachting niet specifiek gericht op ouderen en gehandicapten, Maatschappelijke dienstverlening zonder overnachting, Productie en distributie van films en televisieprogrammas, Productie en distributie van films en televisieprogrammas; maken en uitgeven van geluidsopnamen, Musea, kunstgalerieën en -expositieruimten, Theaters, schouwburgen en evenementenhallen, Kunst | google tag manager, mailchimp, jquery, varnish, facebook ogp, google analytics, open graph, hsts, hotjar, recaptcha, crux dataset, crux top 500k, cloudflare radar, cloudflare radar top 500k, viewport meta, core js, instant.page, mailcampaigns, spf, microsoft azure dns, microsoft exchange online, office 365 mail, dmarc, amazon, google cloud, google, irish server location, letsencrypt, dnssec, ipv6, kirra, outlook, other google apis sdks, crowdriff, google cdn, plaece, google fonts, react, jquery tools, euro, https, utf 8, youtube, instagram, cloudflare, meta robot, canonical tag, html5 doctype, html5 svg tag, meta viewport, amazon hosting, general captcha, instagram links, meta http equiv, x ua compatible, meta description, apple mobile tags, event schema entity, open graph protocol, place schema entity, multilingual support, opengraph url entity, opengraph type entity, opengraph image entity, content security policy, google marketing platform, microsoft 365 |
| 64659*** | Poolcentrum Vismarkt B*** | Akerkhof *** | 971*** | Groningen | NL | 53.2***,6.5*** | +31 6 20012*** | i***@allround***.nl | - | 0 | 2015 | Besloten Vennootschap | - | - | - | - | - | - | 5630, 93119, 563, 56, 9311, 931, 93 | Cafés, Overige sportaccommodaties, Eet- en drinkgelegenheden, Sportaccommodaties, Sport, Sport en recreatie | - |