| KvK nummer | Bedrijfsnaam | Adres | Postcode | Stad | Land | Coördinaten | Telefoonnummer | E-mailadres | Website | Medewerkers (#) | Oprichtingsjaar | Organisatietype | LinkedIn | Facebook | X (Twitter) | Instagram | YouTube | Pinterest | SBI codes | Bedrijfsactiviteiten | Apps |
| 09104*** | Cadesch B*** | Antoon van Hooffplei*** | 681*** | Arnhem | NL | 52.0***,5.8*** | +31 26 445 0*** | i***@burgers***.nl | https://www.burgers***.nl | 9 | 1999 | Besloten Vennootschap | https://www.linkedin.com/company/burgers%27-z*** | https://www.facebook.com/burgers*** | https://twitter.com/burgers*** | https://www.instagram.com/burgersz*** | - | - | 70102, 7010, 701, 70 | Holdings (geen financiële), Holdings (geen financiële) en concerndiensten binnen eigen concern, Holdings (geen financiële), concerndiensten binnen eigen concern en managementadvisering | google tag manager, youtube, google analytics, iis, windows server, facebook ogp, twitter cards, google search console, pingdom rum, global site tag, flowbox, cookiebot, global privacy control, crux dataset, crux top 500k, azure active directory, cloudflare radar, dutch, viewport meta, iphone mobile compatible, umbraco, jquery, jquery validate, core js, vue, bootstrap.js, flickity, imagesloaded, webpack, picturefill, lazysizes, intersection observer, doubleclick.net, plans and pricing, facebook, twitter, instagram, tiktok, symantec.cloud, mandrill, spf, microsoft azure dns, dmarc, ssl by default, sectigo ssl, microsoft, microsoft azure, edgio, transip dns, dnssec, ipv6, rss, google webmaster, messagelabs, mandrillapp, outlook, euro, https, utf 8, google, asp net, favicon tag, google maps, canonical tag, html5 doctype, html5 svg tag, meta viewport, symanteccloud, cookie consent, facebook video, html5 video tag, instagram links, azure front door, meta description, apple mobile tags, open graph protocol, multilingual support, opengraph url entity, opengraph type entity, opengraph image entity, google marketing platform, bootstrap, mailchimp, sectigo |
| 84118*** | Gori*** | Admiraal Helfrichlaan*** | 695*** | Dieren | NL | 52.0***,6.0*** | +31 900 1*** | i***@gori***.co | https://www.gori***.co | 1 | 2021 | Eenmanszaak | https://www.linkedin.com/company/diergaarde-blijdo*** | https://www.facebook.com/diergaardeblijdorp.rotterdam*** | https://twitter.com/gorillad*** | https://www.instagram.com/diergaardeblijdo*** | https://www.youtube.com/user/diergaardeblijdorp | - | 4332, 3109, 31011, 433, 43, 310, 31, 3101 | Bouwtimmeren, Vervaardiging van overige meubels, Interieurbouw, Afwerking van gebouwen, Gespecialiseerde werkzaamheden in de bouw, Vervaardiging van meubels, Interieurbouw en vervaardiging van bedrijfsmeubels | hubspot, wordpress, php, mysql, jquery, linkedin, google analytics, facebook, nginx, varnish, amazon cloudfront, amazon web services, pantheon, mariadb, facebook ogp, twitter cards, amazon aws dns, google gmail, google, hubspotemail, stspg customer, teamleader, amazonses, apple, atlassian, google site verification, loom, notion, openai, slack, status page, website files, google tag manager, cloudflare cdn, cloudfront, webflow, unpkg, google doubleclick ads, cookiebot, linkedin ads, react, core js, amp, rss, https, slick, utf 8, amazon, g suite, twitter, docusign, workable, amazon ses, cloudflare, google api, favicon tag, hubspot ads, hubspot cos, canonical tag, html5 doctype, meta viewport, cookie consent, amazon route 53, atlassian cloud, html5 video tag, meta http equiv, x ua compatible, facebook connect, google web fonts, linkedin plugins, meta description, linkedin advertiser, open graph protocol, opengraph url entity, opengraph type entity, opengraph image entity, content security policy, facebook social plugins, google marketing platform, gsap, jsdelivr, google workspace |
| 09104*** | Alvah B*** | Antoon van Hooffplei*** | 681*** | Arnhem | NL | 52.0***,5.8*** | +31 26 442 4*** | i***@burgers***.nl | https://www.burgers***.nl | 1 | 1999 | Besloten Vennootschap | https://www.linkedin.com/company/burgers%27-z*** | https://www.facebook.com/burgers*** | https://twitter.com/burgers*** | https://www.instagram.com/burgersz*** | - | - | 70221, 7022, 702, 70 | Organisatie-adviesbureaus, Advisering op het gebied van management en bedrijfsvoering (geen public relations), Advisering op het gebied van management en bedrijfsvoering, Holdings (geen financiële), concerndiensten binnen eigen concern en managementadvisering | google tag manager, youtube, google analytics, iis, windows server, facebook ogp, twitter cards, google search console, pingdom rum, global site tag, flowbox, cookiebot, global privacy control, crux dataset, crux top 500k, azure active directory, cloudflare radar, dutch, viewport meta, iphone mobile compatible, umbraco, jquery, jquery validate, core js, vue, bootstrap.js, flickity, imagesloaded, webpack, picturefill, lazysizes, intersection observer, doubleclick.net, plans and pricing, facebook, twitter, instagram, tiktok, symantec.cloud, mandrill, spf, microsoft azure dns, dmarc, ssl by default, sectigo ssl, microsoft, microsoft azure, edgio, transip dns, dnssec, ipv6, rss, google webmaster, messagelabs, mandrillapp, outlook, euro, https, utf 8, google, asp net, favicon tag, google maps, canonical tag, html5 doctype, html5 svg tag, meta viewport, symanteccloud, cookie consent, facebook video, html5 video tag, instagram links, azure front door, meta description, apple mobile tags, open graph protocol, multilingual support, opengraph url entity, opengraph type entity, opengraph image entity, google marketing platform, bootstrap, mailchimp, sectigo |
| 09097*** | Nedusa Landscaping B*** | Antoon van Hooffplei*** | 681*** | Arnhem | NL | 52.0***,5.8*** | +31 26 442 4*** | i***@burgers***.nl | https://www.burgers***.nl | 2 | 1997 | Besloten Vennootschap | https://www.linkedin.com/company/burgers%27-z*** | https://www.facebook.com/burgers*** | https://twitter.com/burgers*** | https://www.instagram.com/burgersz*** | - | - | 8130, 813, 81 | Landschapsverzorging, Facility management, reiniging en landschapsverzorging | google tag manager, youtube, google analytics, iis, windows server, facebook ogp, twitter cards, google search console, pingdom rum, global site tag, flowbox, cookiebot, global privacy control, crux dataset, crux top 500k, azure active directory, cloudflare radar, dutch, viewport meta, iphone mobile compatible, umbraco, jquery, jquery validate, core js, vue, bootstrap.js, flickity, imagesloaded, webpack, picturefill, lazysizes, intersection observer, doubleclick.net, plans and pricing, facebook, twitter, instagram, tiktok, symantec.cloud, mandrill, spf, microsoft azure dns, dmarc, ssl by default, sectigo ssl, microsoft, microsoft azure, edgio, transip dns, dnssec, ipv6, rss, google webmaster, messagelabs, mandrillapp, outlook, euro, https, utf 8, google, asp net, favicon tag, google maps, canonical tag, html5 doctype, html5 svg tag, meta viewport, symanteccloud, cookie consent, facebook video, html5 video tag, instagram links, azure front door, meta description, apple mobile tags, open graph protocol, multilingual support, opengraph url entity, opengraph type entity, opengraph image entity, google marketing platform, bootstrap, mailchimp, sectigo |
| 56753*** | Stichting Vrijwilligers van Burgers' *** | Antoon van Hooffplei*** | 681*** | Arnhem | NL | 52.0***,5.8*** | +31 26 442 4*** | i***@burgers***.nl | https://www.burgers***.nl | 0 | 2012 | Stichting | https://www.linkedin.com/company/burgers%27-z*** | https://www.facebook.com/Burgers*** | https://twitter.com/Burgers*** | https://www.instagram.com/BurgersZ*** | - | - | 94993, 9499, 949, 94 | Steunfondsen (niet op het gebied van welzijnszorg), Overige belangen- en ideële organisaties; hobbyclubs, Levensbeschouwelijke en politieke organisaties, belangen- en ideële organisaties, hobbyclubs | google tag manager, youtube, google analytics, iis, windows server, facebook ogp, twitter cards, google search console, bootstrap, jquery, open graph, core js, webpack, module federation, rss, mailchimp, google maps, sectigo, cookiebot, lazysizes, azure, flickity, lozad.js, azure front door, pingdom, pingdom rum, global site tag, flowbox, global privacy control, crux dataset, crux top 500k, azure active directory, cloudflare radar, dutch, viewport meta, iphone mobile compatible, umbraco, jquery validate, vue, bootstrap.js, imagesloaded, picturefill, intersection observer, doubleclick.net, plans and pricing, facebook, twitter, instagram, tiktok, symantec.cloud, mandrill, spf, microsoft azure dns, dmarc, ssl by default, sectigo ssl, microsoft, microsoft azure, edgio, transip dns, dnssec, ipv6, google webmaster, messagelabs, mandrillapp, outlook, euro, https, utf 8, google, asp net, favicon tag, canonical tag, html5 doctype, html5 svg tag, meta viewport, symanteccloud, cookie consent, facebook video, html5 video tag, instagram links, meta description, apple mobile tags, open graph protocol, multilingual support, opengraph url entity, opengraph type entity, opengraph image entity, google marketing platform |